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Experience SATINO daycare & preschool

Working Towards a Brighter Future

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SATINO daycare & preschool at a Glance

SATINO is the non-profit organization (abbreviation for Save and Teach the Innocent) with the aim of educating children of different backgrounds prior starting elementary school.

The organization was founded back in 2015 after Augustino Case (Weza), the director of the organization spent a few months travelling through East Africa conducting a research on agriculture, economic development and childcare.

Having visited more than 600 villages and having firsthand seen the poverty and the poor conditions the children were being brought up in with no proper education, he was inspired to create a better environment for the children to learn and grow comfortably. So he did by starting what today became a non-profit organization named SATINO.

Home: Who We Are

Our Projects

Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, SATINO daycare & preschool is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs. While our efforts are driven by our organization’s singular focus, we spread a wide net by investing in a variety of progressive strategies. Learn more about our initiatives and get involved yourself.


Soccer Programme




Music & Art Department 

Launched in 2020 with the emphasize on the importance of keeping a proper balance between scholastic and athletic endeavors, Soccer programme is the most recent one out of our programmes.. Its aim is to keep the children busy and also away from the common problem of drug use in Arusha by educating the children on such topic.

Launched in 2015, Educational programme is our oldest one with a clear aim; educating the children of different backgrounds prior starting elementary school. Besides teaching the children Math, English and Swahili, we also aspire to create a better environment for them  to learn and grow.


Home: Programs

Meet the Team

Since our founding in 2015, SATINO daycare & preschool has developed and grown in a positive direction. We’re very proud of the diversity of our staff, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. Find out more about some of our team members below.


Augustino Case 

Director of Operations

Dickson Kinabo

Programmes Manager

Jackline Materu 

''Department of Education'' Coordinator

Victoria Bernard



Mwayabu Juma


Fatina Zuberi

The Cook

Ramadhani Chitanda  

Soccer Coach

Hussein Said 

Soccer Captain

Home: Meet the Team

Ways to Help

Take Action Now

Your support is important to our work at SATINO daycare & preschool. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.


Sponsor the Child

If you want to sponsor one of our 65 kids, you can do so for 30$ per month.

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Volunteer Your Time

Whether you want to teach English, soccer or just help us around, don't hesitate to contact us.

Debit Card


If you want to help us finish the school that was put on hold since 2017 due to the lack or funds or just want to donate for the school materials, food and hygienic supplies, click the button down below.

Home: Get Involved
Help us finish the school for children of Arusha /(pomozimo završiti školu za djecu Arushe)
Romano Malečić

Help us finish the school for children of Arusha /(pomozimo završiti školu za djecu Arushe)

scroll down for the CROATIAN translation Donation Link: SATINO is the non-profit organization (abbreviation for Save and Teach the Innocent) with the aim of educating children of different backgrounds prior starting elementary school. INSPIRATION: The organization was founded back in 2015 after Augustino Case (Weza), the director of the organization spent a few months travelling through East Africa conducting a research on agriculture, economic development and childcare. Having visited more than 600 villages and having firsthand seen the poverty and the poor conditions the children were being brought up in with no proper education, he was inspired to create a better environment for the children to learn and grow comfortably. So he did by starting what today became a non-profit organization named SATINO. PROBLEM: Currently at the organization there are 65 children from the age of 2 to 6 years old. The building that’s currently being used for teaching is not sustainable due to its capacity and expensive rent. That’s why the organization started building its own which they never got to finish due to the lack of money. SOLUTION: In order to finish what was started, we long to 4945USD which will strictly go towards finishing the building. If the fundraising exceeds the expected goal, the rest will be used for material purchases such as school supplies and long-term financial investments. So, if able, we’d kindly ask you for the support as we think that no child should be deprived of such a basic right the education is, because as Nelson Mandela once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” So, let’s make a change. Thank you, Romano on behalf of SATINO organization. Donation link: __________________________________________________ Link donacije: SATINO je neprofitabilna organizacija (skraćenica za “Save and Teach the Innocent) s ciljem obrazovanja i pripremanja djece za osnovnu školu tzv. predškolski odgoj. MOTIVACIJA: Organizacija je osnovana 2015. godine nakon što je Augustino Case (Weza), direktor iste, proveo nekoliko mjeseci putujući istočnom Afrikom radi potrebe istraživanja poljoprivrede, ekonomskog razvoja i uvjeta odrastanja djece na tim prostorima, u poslovne svrhe.  Nakon što je posjetio 600 sela i na svoje oči vidio siromaštvo i uvjete u kojima djeca žive bez mogućnosti obrazovanja, odlučio je po tom pitanju osigurati djeci “sigurnu i bolju okolinu kako bi mogla ugodno odrastati i učiti. Ta ideja o “sigurnoj okolini” izrasla je u organizaciju koja djeluje zadnjih 5 godina na području Arushe.  PROBLEM: Organizacija trenutno broji 65 mališana od 2-6 godina, a zgrada koju koriste za edukaciju i odgoj djece je nažalost skupa, pošto je ista u najmu, i veličinom neodrživa za 65 djece. Zato su, prije 3 godine odlučili izgraditi svoju vlastitu, koju nažalost nikad nisu završili zbog nedostatka materijalnih sredstava.  RJEŠENJE: Kako bi završili započeto i osigurali djeci prostor za neometano učenje i igru, potrebno je 4171 EUR (31.536,35kn) koji će se strikno uložiti u dovršavanje zgrade. U slučaju da se navedena svota premaši, višak će se iskoristiti za kupnju školskog materijala i dugoročna financijska ulaganja u školu.  Stoga, ako ste u mogućnosti i voljni, molimo vas da podržite djecu, jer mislim da nitko ne bi trebao bit uskraćen nečega tako osnovnog kao što je obrazovanje, na kraju svatko ima pravo na isto. Za kraj, i Nelson Mandela je reka: “Edukacija je najjače oružje za promjenu svijeta u kojem živimo.” Svjestan san da da ne možemo prominit svit priko noći, al možemo prominit nešto, tu i tamo, malo po malo i možda jedan dan tako prominimo puno, svit. Zato, idemo napravit ono “malo po malo”, prvi korak, i osigurati “kako tako” bolju budućnost ovim 65 anđela. Hvala ili Asante kako ovdje kažu,  Romano u ime organizacije.  Link donacije:
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Contact SATINO daycare and preschool

Migungani Street, Sinon ward


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“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”


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